Hunter Hasenfus

Hunter M Hasenfus

"The Thought goes ever on and on
Down from the synapse where it began
Now far ahead the Thought has gone
And I must follow, if I can,

Pursue it with waining will,
Until it joins some larger plan.
Where many ideas and projects meet.
And whither then? I cannot say."

Sep 2023 - present
Ticket Tree
Cofounder and CTO, Ticket Tree
Building an on-chain ticketing system, memorializing experiences, providing verification, decentralization, and a better relationship between organizations and their fans.
2021 - 2024
UMass Lowell
University of Massachusetts: Lowell
During my time at UMass Lowell I pursued a dual degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. The intersection of these fields is what sparked my interest in machine learning and mathematics. I began with curiosity within interpritability research using Topological Data Analysis and persued this into a research assistant position with Dr. Tibor Beke. I then began working with Dr. Ahmadzadeh on multi-agent reinforcement learning and persistent autonomy in robotics. Very curious about agents and their interaction with the world.
Aug 2023 - May 2024
Research Assistant, UML Pearl Lab
Trained and analyzed open-source multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms focused on persistent autonomy in robotics with Pytorch and Tensorflow.
Jun 2023 - Aug 2023
Machine Learning Engineer, DoD NSIN X-Force
Assigned to Georgia Tech Research Institute: CIPHER Division as part of Department of Defense - National Security Innovation Network's X-Force Program. [Deep learning, Graph neural networks]
Sept 2022 - May 2023
Schneider Electric
Software Project for Schneider Electric
Researched cryptographic algorithms, analyzed secure communication on Secure Element with Raspberry Pi, and tested methods on the company's control system units.
Aug 2022 - Apr 2023
Honors Fellowship
Honors Fellowship, Dr. Wang
Utilized mixture models in conjunction with supervised learning models for predictive modeling of mental health.

Blog Posts

Essay Series

Pet Projects

Town of Turing
Town of Turing is a spin on Town of Salem, called turning town of salem. Intentions of testing deception capabilities of large language models.
UMAP: Functional and categoric implementation is a functional and categoric implementation of the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection algorithm.
Honors Project
Honors Project with Dr. Ahmadzadeh (Aug 2023 - May 2024) Collaborated with Yasin Findik PhD student, trained and tested multi-agent reinforcement learning models. accepted into CDC apart of IEEE. This work built upon several previous works on discrete and continuous MARL domains. Comparing algorithms including: HATRPO/HAPPO, Q-functionals, and MADDPG.
Mathematics Senior Seminar
Mathematics Senior Seminar, Dr. Beke Developed understanding of combinatorial, categorical, computational perspectives of homology; wrote paper and presented project.

Academic Papers

Mathematics Senior Seminar

Author: Hunter Hasenfus

Honors Project

Author: Hunter Hasenfus